Thursday, February 09, 2006

Killing me and not softly

Am so hungover I´d gladly cut my head off and chop it in tiny pieces. Just discussed with x that I should know by now, I mean, I´m not 18 anymore, nor 20 or 25. Guess I just have to face the fact that I´m an old fartass with a habit. Who wakes up and finds that obviously it barfed in the sink sometime in the wee hours. Bloody good fun yesterday though, and now isn´t that what it´s all about, folks?!
Now if you excuse me, I think I have to puke again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well honey, u do LOOK like 25

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

-my name is Amy G, and I'm an A...

Stop drinkin' and go to church!

2:07 PM  

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