Thursday, February 02, 2006

Show offs

My father and I have this kind of silent competition about who´s most exposed in the media. And I have to admit that he´s winning, by far. Not that I don´t think it´s cool that people find him interesting, the thing is I just don´t like to lose. I know, I´m terrible!

Now my dad´s been filmed by Tv4 (again!) for something related to the Swedish Grammys: Grammisgalan. The only Grammy event I watch is the Latino Grammy Award show, but this tuesday I´ll definitely watch to see if my fathers bright smile appears.


Blogger draksessan said...

hahaha... du är yngre är din pappa så du kommer slå honom med hästlängder!!!!

7:49 AM  
Blogger ninni said...

Jag tror att jag precis såg din pappa fladdra förbi på Grammisgalan :-)

11:07 AM  

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