Saturday, February 11, 2006


Man, what a dramatic evening....!
Am such good friend I had totally forgotten about my friend T´s party tonight. Suddenly he called and wondered when I was going to show up and reminded me that I had r.s.v.p´d him that I would. Damn...there I was in tracksuit, working and looking forward to an efficient and calm evening. The complete schlagerextravaganza earlier this week had the best and worse of me and I felt like the alcoholconsumption of that evening was enough to last for the rest of this month at least.

But you don´t just diss a friends party. Specially not a sweetheart as T is and we hadn´t hung out since fall. We actually dated a couple of times but I got myself out of it, I just didn´t feel like committing to someone else but myself for a while. Anyhow, after a quick shower, closet rummage and make up, I was ready to go. Decided I´d just have mineral water the whole evening and stuck to it, since I wasn´t going to get more work done I wanted to feel fresh on sunday morning.

The party was great until this girl suddenly starts talking to me about immigrants. Don´t know what I´ve been irradiating lately, since a lot of people have addressed questions of this type to me. Well, the girl starts asking me stuff like "Do you know why that people [of a certain origin] always behave like that?" and saying stuff like "No wonder they´re always on Efterlyst". A very nice talk. I just listened to her going on with her racist comments soooo obviously trying to provoke me.

Good thing I didn´t have a drink, otherwise she´d probably had a close up of my ringclad uppercut. This time I held my calm, probably because I was so tired I just didn´t have any energy to waste on such a total asshole. When I had enough of her crap I recalled one of my favourite movie quotes ever (many thanks to Brian de Palma & Al Pacino) and to my astonishment I managed to deliver it perfectly!
With a smile I graciously asked her: "You know what? Why don´t you stick your head up your ass and see if it fits?".

I then walked out of the room, thanked T for a nice party and called a cab. T got upset and wanted to know why I was leaving. My answer before I left? "Ask your sweet friend with the blue dress". Total poised dramaqueen. When I was in the cab on my way home he called. Obviously someone had told the stupid asshole in the blue dress that T and I had dated and she had gotten all jealous and acted out on me. When T asked her whattef ' had happened, she´d asked him right up front why he´d dated an "immigrant slut" like me. He had asked her to leave right then and there.

Well, at least I got home in time to curl up in tracksuit and watch Ice-T in Law & Order Special Units. And to get this sickening episode out of my system.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im speechless!!

God job though :)

1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fan vilken bitch!

6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, for real!!!
Which rock did she crawl out from?!

8:14 AM  
Blogger draksessan said...

Vem var hon? Var bor hon? Jag vet att jag är över 30, men hmmm... gammal förortsbrutta som man är så sitter ju "kick-butt-generna" kvar. "say hello to my little friend" "POOOOOOOOF"

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jajävlar vilken avart av människa. Helt tragisk och såpass svart(!)sjuk att hon var tvungen att bete sig lågt.
Men, men, hade en minst sagt bra anledning att få åka hem igen och så fick jag dessutom säga den där sköna repliken, underbart!

12:57 PM  
Blogger En Barnfri Kvinna said...

Good thing you were cool, calm and collected.
Had it been me I'd kicked her sorry back to the gutter she came from - I sh*t you not!

4:07 AM  
Blogger Von Helvete said...

he he he!

sometimes even bad people are good, cause suddenly you feel so much better. really loved the way you built karma there, not bad for an "immigrant slut".

have fun in london, and there's always a place with for you in my "immigrant crack house" over in oxford.


11:51 AM  

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