Monday, July 10, 2006

Honeyz I´m hooooome!

Gonzalita´s back after a somewhat blog free month. Guess you need it sometimes to develope the creative process or whatever. Or maybe I just needed a break, as I sometimes do from stuff, specially stuff I like a lot - to avoid turning a big bore. Which explains my relationship history quite well, first a really nice phase, then me getting bored and needing air.
(I have tried to do something about this, but it seems unavoidable, it will always come a day when I need to take a break to be able to return with more energy or whatever)

Anyhow, the last month has consisted of:
  • work
  • more work
  • FIFA World Cup = grief, anger, joy
  • socializing
  • sunbathing & swimming
  • allergy reaction
  • Depeche Mode at Stadion, Stockholm
  • sleep
  • more sleep
  • drowling over the pictures below

I know, lovely combo of my favourite Italian designer label and the gorgeous Gli Azzurri. Breathtaking. Do I need to tell you the pictures have caused a lot of female friends to actually watch football, hehe.

Am very pleased over their victory, although I actually would have been very happy if Les Bleus had won. Feel sorry for Trezeguet and Zidane. Although I know it was wrong of him to behave in such a way, you don´t solve anything, not even a World Cup Final with violence.


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