Ghettofabulous and obnoxious book reviewer & beauty reporter who:
Shops: everywhere/Listens to: latino, jazz, soul, etc/Reads: a lot, heavy consumer of glossies/Movies: preferably anything Coppola, Scorsese, De Palma, Almodovar or Lynch/On TV: Sex & the City, CSI, Oz, Nip/Tuck, The Sopranos/Accessories: all that glitters/Phone: Nokia/Icones: Mary J Blige, Muhammad Ali, Frida Kahlo, Isabel Allende, 2Pac, Ernest Hemingway, Maria Callas, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Coco Chanel, Sofia Coppola
Conversation with ex: G: Be honest, you´ve known me forever - do I look sliten and old? X: Not at all. You must be the one person I know who is the least, if not at all, affected by age.
hehe... me like!!!
ja i mina ögon har du inte åldrats en dag sen jag såg dig första gången.
själv börjar jag misströsta över min naturliga blåa skugga under ögonen.
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