Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Nobel Prize craze

It´s very exciting every year when the winner of the Nobel Prize in litterature is announced. The other prizes are of course exciting too, but there´s a certain mystic and secret halo around the litterature prize.
This year there are controverses about Elfriede Jelinek, last years winner. Don´t really get why people are arguing about it now, a whole year after. Don´t really make sense, does it?

Hopefully someone of Coetzees (Nobel Prize 2003) caliber get the prize this year. Loved "Disgrace". I liked Jelinek, she´s cocky, but I still find her too neurotic - kind of a female Woody Allen in bookshape, sexually frustrated and on speed.

If I´d ruled the world - or at least Svenska Akademien - I´d give the Nobel Prize to Isabel Allende.

Fire last night in a corner a couple of blocks away. Scary.


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