Style of the day: The Pimp
Call me Mack Master A. Shizzle!
I´ve always had a thing for the pimpstyle! It´s a no-excuses style that really screams "big and bad", but above all - smooth. Even Harvey Keitel is smooth in Taxi Driver, despite the long hair that so not suits him.
Today I was totally pimpinspired, kind of 'urban cowgirl goes pimp' and wore a green polyester shirt with chain and horseshoe print, golden necklace with charms and golden hoops to my JL-jeans.
I also found this fabulous site, Player Appreciate, where you can find out your pimp name, which you of course want in order to be a real superfly.
My name? Mack Master A. Shizzle. Groovyest cat around (and at this moment also sleepiest). And on Pimpdaddy you can find cool suits and you´ll be all set and groovylicious!
Jag vill ha stora platåskor i plexiglas med guldfiskar i. :D
nä, det vill jag inte alls
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