513 years - discovery or slavery?
Today it´s supposedly 513 years since Mr Columbus (of whatever origin he was, spanish, italian, or portuguese) discovered America and everything that came with it.
But has it been 513 years of cool discovery of other cultures or years of slavery beneath the European oligarchy?
Will never, ever forget when (during my US year) walking in on campus area the morning of Columbus Day - in Latin america named Dia de la Ráza - and seeing the flags of all Latinamerican countries. It gave me goose bumps. Same thing happened when I got to visit what - supposedly - is Columbus grave, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Anyhow, being a total blend of European entrepreneurs/convicts/dreamers who came to the New World in search of a better life and riches, and latinamerican natives - and hopefully there might be fugitive african slaves way back - is quite cool. It´s like belonging everywhere and nowhere.
Well, Feliz Cumpleaños Americas!
And remember, many of the treasures the Europeans claims are theirs, are actually of American origin:
- coffee
- cocoa/chocolate
- chili
- sugar
- sabor!!!!!
Columbus grav... hmm... eh... *skäms* jag har ... eh... vanhelgat den platsen *rodnar*
Hahaha! You naughty, naughty princess! (Du ÄR och kommer ALLTID vara prinsessa Nikki dearest, face it)
Hur fasen lyckades nu med det med alla vakter i varje vrå?!!!
Nu är jag avis på Nikki :)
Och tänker att man borde fira Columbus Day m tex margaritas. Hmm.
Yess, where´s the fiesta? Med piñata? Margaritas? Daiquiris? Tequilas?!!!! Sangriiiiiiitaaaaaa!!!
*skrattar* jooo du vet, lillprinsens farfar är pensionerad polisöverste och det gav lillprinsens pappa vissa hmm... eh... nattliga förmåner *ASG* det finns många platser i Santo Domingo där vi utnyttjat dessa förmåner *rodnar*
Men... det var en helt annan tid... ett helt annat liv *försöker bortförklara sitt skamliga beteende*
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