Thursday, March 30, 2006

I heart me, my necklace, my friends and my new laptop case

Isn´t this necklace like the coolest around with the most attitude?!
I LOVE it! Almost as much as I do love myself and my beautiful friends A&B who gave me the necklace as birthdaypresent. My preciousss! Talk about hitting it right, the necklace is soooo me and sooo us (that would be A, B and me) it moves me to tears. Will wear it everyday!

My present to self today was a red laptop case from Catherine Manuell
It was love at first sight. Will definitely try to get the other stuff in the same red and black style = very Gonzalita.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Spring cleaning

Or maybe just cleaning morelike, because where is spring? It´s sunny and lovely outside but still cold. And it was the same last week in London. I had expected spring to be in full bloom, but the only bloom I saw were the tiny, tiny cherry blossoms on the cherry tree outside Sara & Stephen. They must have one of the most stylish flat I´ve ever seen. The hotel I visited couldn´t even be compared to their super zen place. Total bliss!
One cool thing about the hotel though was the coincidence that Guru (from Gangstarr) also stayed there. That gave the place some star quality.

Today I´ve been spring cleaning my place and was so into it I totally forgot to get some nice wrapping paper - March is a very popular birthdaymonth! - and when hitting one of the stores nearby it was closed, which meant I had to take the tube downtown and try to get in and out of Åhléns as fast as I could. Payday (yesterday) + Saturday = a combination that is no good if you have to go shopping since it means loads, loads and loads of people everywhere, not my cup of tea.

Now I´ve barely got a couple of hours before I´m meeting Lena and getting to the place where we´re having dinner with the rest of the Kompisar Från Förr-posse tonight, which will be really nice. Better move my overweight behind, which I really will start working on diminishing - I don´t like myself fat.

Monday, March 13, 2006

....and another quiz

Made this quiz that I found at brilliant blog Memoirs of an Escort and the result is as follows

Gucci model in black skintight suit

Sophisticated yet sensual, you are cutting-edge. Extremely classy, your attitude can sometimes be described as snobby. However, you are always elegantly outfitted in the latest trend. You are modern and usually serious, but sexual at the same time.

As far as guys are concerned, you tend to go after the rich CEO. Guys love your tough-girl attitude and can't resist your bold charm.

Which fashion designer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Look what the mom dragged in!

My mom came back from a holidaytrip to Chile this weekend and brought me this superfunky, blingalicious leopard print bag. Very much Marchesa Casati pets go urban Lil' Kim funky.
I loooove!

Lovely weekend, dinner yesterday was utterly fabulous with great food, great company and the kind of laughs you only can have with people who´ve known you forever. Lovely LR had made the most fabulous tiramisu I´ve ever had, it was total überdeliciousity. Sweetfunky friend SL had brought us garments from a sample sale they had where she works, she´d managed to pick stuff that suited us perfectly. A very, very, lovely and fabulous evening indeed.

Memorable quote of the evening: LR going "han är en norrländsk diva" about this swedish artist with very, very, weird ethnic kind of style participating in the Melodifestivalen.
She also said something about "International Asshole Day", (Rövhålets dag) but I can´t really recall the context, have to ask her.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hommage to The Woman

...and God created woman as an utterly smart and glamorous version of Herself.

About this International Womens´Day...I don´t know. What about the remaining 364 days of the year? I totally agree with actor Morgan Freeman - when asked what he thought about African American Heritage Month he answered the interviewer with the following very good question: "Why does my history only get a month and yours the rest of the year?"

Anyhow, a holler out to all the Ladies Who Inspire, keep doing your thang which makes this world a smarter and nicer place to live in, all my respect to ya´; my beloved grandmother for whom I´ll do anything, my überbeautiful and smart friends K and Nikki, Kompisarna från förr: S, LS, LR, J and E - I´ll always, always love you, you are the roots that keep me safe on the ground, Gatas locas for ever!, my friend Francisca in Santiago, my neighbour Deborah in Huntington Beach, my mother for her patience with this untamed daughter of hers, my aunts for always being there, my friend and coach MP, the smart and sparkling Drinkar & Män ladies all connected by Her Fabulousness Herself, great partyfun and shopping buddy Elisabeth, my friend Denise in Quebec, jewelry doyennes Vanja and Amanda for creating exquisite pieces that turn any dull day to a sparkling one, party posse of 2001 consisting of C, and sisters LB&LB (yes, they have the same initials), my sweetest friend and London connection the extremely talented Sara, inspiring writers whom I´ve had the luck to meet; Isabel Allende, Marian Keyes, Maria Ernestam, Åsa Schwarz, artist Amanda Ooms whom I met once and bought a painting of, the one and only Charlotta Flinkenberg, übercreative and stylish geniouses A & B, my ex colleague Banana, the gorgeous and always positive Sabina, Sporty Spice - the girl with tons of neverending energy.......and I could actually go on for hours about all the great and inspiring ladies I have the luck to know. I really hope I haven´t forgotten anyone, may you all live long and prosper!

The no-no style

Watched some of "My name is Earl" and thanks but no thanks, not my cup of tea nor style, way too much trailer park trash flavour for me.
Although I may be guilty of wearing Juicy tracksuit pants for dinner (it happened once and will hopefully not happen ever again), there is no style I dislike so much as the trailer park suburban trash style. Maybe because it reminds me of the suburb where I grew up.
When I´ve been back visiting my parents I´ve actually run into ex classmates who still wear tracksuit and messy ponytail in a scrunchie. Evolution anyone? And consider the ´burb is like less than 30 minutes away from the big capital.
Gives me the creeps.

Style of the day: The Punk - with a twist of glam

Exquisite is the word I´d like to describe the utterly glamorous punk creature Siouxie Sioux. A perfect blend of untamed energy and sophisticated beauty. So different but yet so similar to another cool creature: Iggy Pop. (If "Lust for life" doesn´t want you to do a lot of lovelycrazy prohibited stuff, then I don´t know.)

Siouxies cover of the Iggy tune "The Passenger" is, if not brilliant, then almost better than the original. Voices like hers are unfortunately quite rare today. And her attitude is incomparable.

Another inspiration is of course Queen of Punk Vivienne Westwood. Totally enchanting. Do read her manifesto if you visit her site. That lady ain´t never gonna be no tramp.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Envy - in a good way

Just got text from friend who´s in Torino and will watch Juventus play against Werder Bremen. Do I envy her or what?!!
Madonna, just the thought of watching überhunks Alessandro Del Piero, Fabio Cannavaro and of course king of cool Zlatan Ibrahimovic live makes me green in the face.

Just a thought

Heard on the radio about kids having serious problems with the swedish language. We´re talking kids of other origins but born here.
Maybe I´ve been lucky, I don´t know, but I seriously don´t get how it can be that hard to learn a language that surrounds you everyday, specially the language of the country where you´r born and raised?

Style of the day: The Eccentric

I´ve always been in love with the word "eccentric".
Two of its definitions by The Merriam-Webster Online Dictonary are:
1 a : deviating from an established or usual pattern or style
b : deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways

Besides the utterly inspiring eccentric personalities of today Anna Piaggi, Isabella Blow and Mr Eccentric himself Salvador Dalí (1904–1989), a huge inspiration is Marchesa Luisa Casati (1881-1957). The picture at the left is of the Marchesa Casati biography which must have the coolest biography title ever. (Besides the bio written by one of Tupacs bodyguards called Got your back)

Now if you can´t have pet cheetahs on diamond studdead leashes as beyond eccentric accessories, you can always wear the print as detail. The important thing here is have the Marchesas´famous words in mind: "I want to be a living work of art". Therefore, think peacock instead of swan, magnific instead of discreet and universe instead of world.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Style of the day: The Pimp

Call me Mack Master A. Shizzle!

I´ve always had a thing for the pimpstyle! It´s a no-excuses style that really screams "big and bad", but above all - smooth. Even Harvey Keitel is smooth in Taxi Driver, despite the long hair that so not suits him.

Today I was totally pimpinspired, kind of 'urban cowgirl goes pimp' and wore a green polyester shirt with chain and horseshoe print, golden necklace with charms and golden hoops to my JL-jeans.

I also found this fabulous site, Player Appreciate, where you can find out your pimp name, which you of course want in order to be a real superfly.

My name? Mack Master A. Shizzle. Groovyest cat around (and at this moment also sleepiest). And on Pimpdaddy you can find cool suits and you´ll be all set and groovylicious!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Pretty please with sugar on top

The best days for me are when I can take care of my own business without the interference of another. I guess it´s somekind of a sweet "freedom" after being used to consider another persons needs, etc, for such a long time (12 years. On and off.) and for not being tied to office hours.
And I totally and wholeheartedly enjoy this, taking my time without someone stressing me out or constantly asking me if I did this or that, etc.

What I do not enjoy though, is all that dissin´of my time. It´s like people think that just because I happen to work from my home, I have aaaall the time in the world and can gossip over a latte for hours, come play with their kids, move a lunch date around just because or help them with stuff whenever.
Probably I´m the only one to blame for this, for always taking care of stuff and not setting boundaries. And maybe I should shut up and not whine about this since I´m one of those annoying assholes who´s always and constantly late and diss other peoples time in that way. But guess what, things will have to change.
No more Ms Nice Girl and hopefully no more Ms Late Asshole.
It takes way too much energy.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bizarre bloody good fun

Yesterday I went to see this performance, Le Salon by Belgian company Peeping Tom, with my kompisar från förr. (The left part of the picture is from that performance.)

Ever since LR started taking dance classes we´ve been to lots of performances, some really cool and others...a bit hard to understand for someone not too familiar with the world of modern dance. But nonetheless it´s interesting and I really believe in watching stuff outside the regular box.

Le Salon was quite bizarre but cool, the mezzo soprano had a heavenly voice and the dancers moved as they had no bones in their bodies. Três cool!
Afterwards we went to the lobby at Nordic Light Hotel for drinks and shitchatt. LR is leaving for Spain in a couple of weeks, she´ll go to Sevilla and dance flamenco, cannot deny that I´m not slightly envious, in a good way though. Will definitely try to visit her, Spain is lovely.

And so is Great Britain. Have finally booked ticket and am going from thursday-monday and will spend birthday there. Lovely! Will definitely visit the Victoria & Albert Museum to see the Anna Piaggi exhibition Fashion-ology and also shop, visit family and aquaintances and just enjoy the city. Last time I was there it was for a day and I missed the plane back due to delay in the tube so I had to stay another night anyway. Ah well, this time I´ll try not to and be at the airport in time to shop - Heathrow has some great shops, I love!