Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Cloudy day but sunshine in the mailbox!

Here are my answers to the Sminkduell-questions. If you really, really want it in english or español, let me know.
1. Ungefär hur mycket lägger du på smink/hudvård per månad?
- Minst 500 pix.

2. Vad väckte ditt intresse för smink?
- Färgerna! I förorterna fick vi kabeltv runt ´84 och jag ville se ut som Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson och Five Star-tjejerna i de videos som snurrade på Sky Channel och Music Box.

3. Favoritmärke? Varför?
- MAC!
Absolut roligaste sminket, finaste färgerna, hittar alltid rätt ton för min aktuella hudton (disktrasa på vintern - espresso på sommaren) , och ger bäst resultat och kvalité.
I nagellacksväg är OPI favoriten.

4. Var handlar du ditt smink? Favoritbutik/favoritsite?
- NK, c/o Stockholm, men även smultronsiter på webben....

5. Nämn något som kännetecknar din make-up:
- Alltid mörk kajal och massor med mascara för att framhäva ögonen!

6. Vilket var ditt sämsta respektive bästa skönhetsköp någonsin?
- Sämsta: skuggor/eye liners i mycket märkliga färger...sent 80-tal
- Bästa: allt från MAC och OPI

7. Hur sminkade du dig för 5/10/15 år sedan?
- 15 år sedan: hade precis börjat sminka mig , gick snabbt från påskkärringexperiment med gul skugga och rosa kajal till enbart svart kajal och genomskinlig mascara. Den sistnämnda från Body Shop. Alltid nagellack.
- 10 år sedan: svart kajal och mascara men nu hade jag börjat upptäcka läppstiftens och glansens underbara värld! Nagellacksförrådet var rätt stort.
- 5 år sedan: svart kajal, mascara, foundation, rouge, läppglans istället för läppstift. 2000 köpte jag mitt första Lancôme Juicy Tube i en knallorange färg. Enormt nagellacksförråd.

8. Bästa hudvårdsprodukterna?
- Ole Henriksen; rubbet!
- Estée Lauder: Day Wear som kan användas som dag- och nattcreme samt och Day Wear Plus.
- Neutrogenas handcreme Norwegian Formula

9. Bästa makeup-produkterna?
- kajal: MAC
- mascara: Max Factor 2000-calorie
- foundation: Estée Lauders Day Wear Plus
- Lumenes ögonskugge-primer

10. Bästa hårprodukterna?
- Redken, L´Oreals serie för färgat hår, Matrix och ett argentiskt mirakelmedel som gör under för mitt torra hår. Och så Nuxes Huile Prodigieuse med guldskimmer gör håret superfab på sommaren.

11. Bästa kroppsvårdsprodukterna?
- deo: Estée Lauder Active
- duschcreme: Roger et Gallets grapefrukt
- skrubbcreme: Garnier Fructis
- hudolja: brasiliansk olja av medicinalväxt från Amazonas, bevarar brännan och är det bästa jag någonsin rasslat över för min torra hud!

12. Bästa skönhetsbloggen?
- Anna K feat. Mel B, även om den inte är en renodlad sminkblogg.
Lipglossbitch är också rätt kul men annars har jag inte rasslat på någon som känns klockren.
Vore superfab om följande personer smink/skönhetsbloggade:
- Susanne Ljung
- Tomas Lenneryd
- Erin Lauder
- Gun Novak
- Iman
- Donatella Versace

Följande bloggare skulle jag gärna se svara på den här duellen:
- Anna K & Mel B
- Kicki
- Charlotta


Am at parents casa checking out pictures from the event with the president, etc. And I just love the way everything´s in Español on their computer! Good for me cause I sometimes forget certain words and fill in with the equivalent in svenska or english. As people ususally understand what I mean it´s ok, but I really don´t want to loose more spanish vocabulary than I already have. Specially the swears, nothing sounds as powerful as someone swearing in spanish, I just love it!

My favourite words in spanish:
1. mar
2. copete
3. cordillera
4. tiburon
5. noche

My favourite latino drinks:
1. vaina
2. pisco sour
3. mojito
4. caipirinha
5. vampiro

My favourite latino stars:
1. Alejandro Sanz (that voice...those looks!!!)
2. Placido Domingo
3. Antonio Banderas
4. Salma Hayek
5. Shakira

My favourite latino icons:
1. Che Guevara - THE revolutionary! Although I don´t share his ideology, all my respect.
2. Frida Kahlo
3. Eva Perón
4. Isabel Allende - What a totally fabulous and charming woman. I coudn´t believe my luck when I got to see her, talk to her, a big moment in the life and times of Gonzalita.
5. Gabriel Garcia Marquéz - A genius. I want to write books like his and win the Nobel Prize.

My favourite latino food:
2. empanadas
3. ceviche
4. tamales
5. tortilla de alcachofa/zanahoria

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Go Gonzalez!!!!

Congrats to Fernando Gonzalez who beat Joachim Johansson yesterday!!! (Wimbledon Day 5)

Celebrated this and Midsommar with my own fabulous set of familia Gonzalez, we had so much fun it´s always fiesta when we gather.

As I write I´m watching Brazil-Germany, come on Brazil!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Pre-Midsummernights nightmare

I´m stressed out and a bit panicked about all the stuff that has to be delivered monday. I know I´ll make it, but anyway - the ketchup bottle effect is such a tricky one! And even though all is quite fun stuff to do it becomes so pressured. Ah well, will stop whining and just get on with it!

Have a beautyful midsummer weekend, wherever you are!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sooo 80´s!

Got this bizarre but fun game yesterday from cousin in Oz. It´s fun, yes, but somewhat tragic. After all, my first big idol was Mr Jackson. The first LP i bought was Thriller and guess if I was thrilled over that! Loved it, loved the video (even though it scared the shit out of me!), loved the clothes, the moves, the dance, everything about it!

Recall the kids in my suburb copying Michael, dancing like him and the ones that did fast became the most popular and coolest.

His latest tracks are ok I guess, although nothing compares to the early years, the Off the Wall and Thriller albums are totally outstanding.

Passport panic

Oh well, it´s not that serious, I do have time to fix this since we don´t even have the tickets yet. But nonetheless - I have to fix it. Regret not having a passport picture taking after being styled for the Vecko Revyn Modepolisen. Looked quite fab after that, if I may say so - great curly hair, turquoise make up. Had an appointment at the bank after that, so I did glamour biz!

Rain in Stockholm today, but what better sunshine injection than fab lunch with editor Maria S?

Skipped todays working out session because my ancle hurts. Will just take a walk today and do yoga tomorrow. I must not get obsessed with working out as always when I start doing it again...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Bargains make the world go round

I know, very shallow, but nonetheless - who doesn´t looove a good bargain?!
Found stuff I really liked and that I´ll absolutely use, you know, great bargains. The only somewhat sad thing about them is that - all the garments are black. Surprise, surprise. But whattef, black is beautyful, bold and best.
The bargains consist of; fab cardigan from Rodebjaer and a working out top and a hoodie from Adidas.

I looked through the rail with the clothes that Stella McCartney´s designed for Adidas, but I don´t know - not my cup of tea I guess. And isn´t this oversized trend just sooo...over by now?

Was really tempted to buy Xuly Bët stuff, that i love(d). After reading that this columnist I totally, totally dislike buy those clothes I felt slightly sick. Of all people in this mini (but superfashionconscious) capital, why does she have to like those clothes?!

I understand designers that don´t want certain people to be seen in their designs...

Shop is life and life is living!

Am looking forward to make some really nice reafynd today. Will meet fab friend EJP downtown and hit some places that´ve started/will start their summer sale today. Great! Am also pleased for working on tan a couple of hours. Everything, everything looks sooo much better with a nice tan. Specially if it´s enhanced with this great oil my father brought me from Brazil. The brazilian beachbabes do know how to maximize and work a tan.

Monday, June 20, 2005

The Gonzalita Glam Awards are coming up soon!

The jury is just trying to choose the nominees. It´s been decided there can only be three nominees in each cathegory.
Picky jury, I know. Althought it might not be totally untouchable, it does have this...thing for Dolce & Gabbana, you know. If you´d like to bribe it, which of course you don´t want to because you have high morals, dear reader!

Finally - a slight tan

Relaxed at aunts´this week end. It´s totally fab because it´s like checking in at great hotel with great company. We spent time in her garden yesterday and you should not underestimate the Scandinavian sun.
I almost got burned. At least I got some color, now I don´t look like a washed out disktrasa.

Now, gotta rush - am hitting the gym for an aerobics class.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Numb. Or sore, morelike

The working out devil got me in its claws monday and I´ve been working out so hard in different ways, I have no spot that is not sore. But who cares, I´m back on track!
Monday: funk class - a total thigh killer, still have some difficulties sitting and walking down stairs
Tuesday: the only excercise I was able to do was to drink rosé wine in fab company
Wednesday: yoga
Thursday: 2½ hours of powerwalking. Beautyful summer evening, beautyful city. Totally enjoyable.
Friday: am hitting the gym in a couple of hours to do some weights.

Am looking forward to relax during the week end. Although powerwalks are always enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Oh captain, my captain

Heard and read about the Chilean presidents return to Chile today, because of the earthquake in the northern zone of the country. Such a tragedy for the people affected. Man really is nothing against nature. We can only accept and get on with it. I remember the temblores (earthshakes?) in Chile from when I studied there. It´s like someone is shaking your ground and won´t stop just because you say so. And those where just shakes, now we´re talking quakes.

Anyhow, all my respects for the president and his crew, what a humble and totally fabulous group of politicians. And all my condoleances for the people affected in the earthquake.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Exagerating diva

That would be me. My intentions are to write something thoughtworthy everyday, but I guess, even Dalai Lama or similar would have difficulties doing that. Or?

Have to list todays favourites:
- gravad lax - I just can´t get enough of it!
- Mos Def - yum
- working out - am sore as hell but I don´t give a damn cause yesterdays´funk class was worth every ache. Am going to do some serious weights tomorrow.
- reading about self on the web - I know, extremely egocentric, but it´s a good ego-booster and you can´t have to many of those, can you?

And no-nos´of the day:
- Håkan Hellström - I can´t stand the man and his stupid songs
- envious people - never, never be envious, cause you never know the whole picture. Besides, is it really that hard to be happy for someone else?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I did it!!!

Fabulous evening!
Am very pleased with self, very, very pleased. I guess I now can die somewhat satisfied.
Held my "speech" in front of 200 something people, politicians and the Chilean President, Ricardo Lagos.
When I met my lillebrors glance and smile, I knew I could exhale - I´d done good. I can´t deny I wasn´t nervous, I was - but I did well and according to my brother I did it with grace, the touch of drama it required and above all, humour.

Afterwards people congratulated me, telling me I´d moved them to tears. I truly never imagined I´d do something like that, you know, that something I´d written would touch people...and that I´d have an audience like that.

Well, now I can enjoy a well earned glass of Casillero del Diablo (one of my favourites of course, and yes, I´ve been there, in the Devils cellar) and kick back.

Buenas noches world, your diva favorita will be back mañana!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Keep em´ coming!

Now how cool isn´t the fact that people actually read my shitchatt?!
For an attentionjunkie (or a "f*cking attentionwh*re", as Sex & the City-Anthony would say) it´s totally flattering and superfab of course.

Theo in Oz (the country, that is) - asked about Oz. It´s this great HBO series. I strongly recommend to check it out, but if you have weak nerves you probably shouldn´t. It´s not a cute tale about good boys...morelike violent, mean and totally, totally fabulous about life in this microcosmos that this special prison is.

No-no of the day:
- Ashlee (?) Simpson - no comments. Her "music" makes me want to barf. Do the world a big favour and just don´t.
- Fall asleep and wake up with make up on - why oh why.

The living and breathtaking daylights

It´s 01.41 and I´m still up working on this stuff that has to be delivered first thing in the morning. And daylight is approaching. Which is a truly wonderful thing about Scandinavia, these loooooong days and totally breathtaking eveninglight.

Thought about watching Oz, but I´m way too tired to handle the state pen adventures of my favourite convicts O´Reilly, Said, Abedisi, Beecher et alles. Guess I have to shop myself satisfied and get all the seasons.

Have to sleep. Have to go suit hunting tomorrow. Know whereabout to go, but nonetheless, hate to be stressed so I thought I´d try to get this over and done early. That way I can relax later on and hopefully shake booty - soulclub or not, am going to hang out with homies and be fab.

And speaking about fab - thank you sessan Jessica for kind and cheering words!

Sweet dreams World and don´t worry, your favourite diva´ll be back tomorrow.

It´s official - I´m pinging

For you Anna K - one and only superblogger, inspiration and style icon.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

No nomination nor invitation to the GlamAwards!

Didn´t make it as nominee this year. Hrmpf. Am too anonymous and aloof for that I guess, hahaha! Anyhow, watch out for the Gonzalita GlamAwards, coming up on a blog near you...

Ps. Streets - just don´t, please?!

Champagne is not always necessary...

...for having a great time!
Fabulous breakfast/brunch with the always Glittering Sunshine, what a hostess! Love to socialize in ways that not have to include a terrible hangover the day after. I´m very pleased with myself cause I actually walked all the way to Söder, yes, yes. With a great selection of tunes in the Zen Micro I could walk....everywhere. Word.

After fab brunch I went to my new favourite shop for pressies, Silvia. The shopowner is the nicest - and yes, Södershops do really have the nicest owners! Got fab stuff for my cousins children. Am very pleased with the day so far.

12 years have past

I´m coming clean and confessing. Today it´s been 12 years since graduation. Slightly scaring, but whattef...time do passes. I wondered although, what I´ve been up to these years and have to make a list to recall them:
1993 - graduation year, California here I come!
1994 - back to reality, got my first own apartment in town and figured out where to go regarding jobs
1995 - Santiago year
1996 - back to Stockholm
1997 - party & studies & work
1998 - messy year
1999 - big 2.5
2000 - I guess it was good
2001 - single and fab!
2002 - partyparty
2003 - quite ok year
2004 - big 3.0
2005 - my own CEO! (and assistant and employee, etc)

Of course more memorable stuff happend those years, but this was only a brief reminder (and confession) for my own memory.
Now I gotta hurry and get going, feel fat and ugly and am going to powerwalk to Söder för breakfast at the Glittering Sunshines´. Better go if I´m going to be there in time.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Ok, ok, they´re great but still kind of boring

I´m talking (writing, eeeh, whatever) about Kent of course. My lil´bro´goes on about what great musicians they are and people seem to be seriously insulted if you say you don´t like them.
I totally agree - the melodies are great and Jocke Bergs lyrics are...original. But they don´t do it for me nonetheless. It´s not like a surprising southpaw uppercut. (Like Timbuktu, yeah!)

Favourites du jour

1. Det löser sig - Timbuktu - I must´ve shaked my booty to it like, too many times today, but I simply can´t not do it, it´s FABULOUS!
2. The Glittering Sunshine and her beau, Mr Hilgers - you are too cool guys, you rock my world!
3. My Nokia 6270 I think it is - accessory of the day
4. my pashmina - I know, it´s sooo ´98, but nonetheless the best for chilly summer days
5. Fetzer Barrel Select Zinfandel - delicious and great for chilly evenings

Can totally live without:
1. weird snailmail
2. cold summer days - it´s Juune for focks sake! - making it impossible to wear new garments
3. undecisive people - how hard can it be to make a decision
4. stupid "latinostyle" commercial - give me a break, it´s an insult
5. this stubborn cold - Bah!

Lazy daisy instead of bizzi bee

Can´t really tell what it is, but today´s been such a slooooooooow started one! It´s like I can´t bother. Probably shouldn´t either, but on the otherhand, where is my preussian discipline?! I used to have one. Seriously.
Ah, well, I excuse myself with the facts that it will be kind of a hectic week anyway. And that I perform best during slight pressure.

Monday, June 06, 2005

There´s no place like home...

....but that requires what defines "home", doesn´t it?!

Spent a fabulous evening with real homebuddys, kompisarna-från-förr, and it was superfun as always, giggly and totally crazy! Poor waitresses at the place we were at, serving a bunch of giggly 30-something girlfriends that´ve know eachother for like 20-something years can´t be easy.
Am really looking forward to new adventures with the bunch this summer - for whatever reason we always seem to get together at the beginning of the season.
If there are people I have somekind of unconditional love for - besides my family that is - it is for my homies, they know who am I and where I come from, no explanations required. And I love them for that. For a restless and kind of rootless soul like me, it´s like coming home.

Celebrating all fab things Swedish!

My all time favourite Swedish stuff that I simply can´t do without:

For dancing or chilling:
- Infinite Mass
- Blacknuss
- The Ark
- Alcazar
- Backyard Babies
- Latin Kings
- Imperiet
- Orup, in the eighties
- Ulf Lundell, so swedish, so Stockholmish it hurts
- Bo Kaspers, the early years before they were everywhere
- Lisa Nilsson, divadivadiva!!!!
- Eva Dahlgren
- Timbuktu, never thought I´d like rap in skånska but it´s great!

- Västerbotten cheese
- Sill
- Strömming
- Knäckebröd
- Gravad lax & hovmästarsås
- Skagenröra
- Löjrom

- Absolut: unbeatable and forever superstylish & glamorous
- Pripps Blå: I do have a beer once in a while and nothing evokes the illusion of Swedish Summer as Pripps Blå
- Hallands fläder, totally berusande and sooo midsomrig
- flädersaft
- lingondricka

- jewelry from Vanja
- jewelry from Solista

- Koppar
- Maria Westerlind
- H&M of course, saves style and wallet

- Carl-Johan Vallgren
- Susanne Ljung
- Selma Lagerlöf
- Mats Olsson
- Jonas Gardell

...inspiring style icons I totally admire:
- Camilla Thulin
- Zlatan, of course
- Robert Rydberg
- Anna Huerta
- the late Monica Z

- my kompisar-från-förr possé: without you I´d sink without a trace! Includes all of you, including the ones not living in Stocktown
- close friend and coach, superglobetrotting Marianne P
- the totally creative geniouses A & B, in their company you´ll never have a dull moment
- the D&M cliqué: absolutely fabulous, including ex D&M-girlie miss Gustafsson who is like the most sparkling vitamine pill anyday
- and a supersecret someone: you know who you are and I´m writing this just to avoid getting shitty comments if I don´t, hehe

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I can stand the rain...

It IS slightly annoying, course it is. The fact that it stops me from doing the folling pisses me of:
- wearing fabulous bronze wedges (TopShop)
- wearing fabulous t-shirt (Walé Adeyemi)
- wearing floaty tops in great colours and bold prints (Suksess, H&M, VILA, etc)
- wearing fab prairie skirt (vintage, bought in february, bah!)

On the otherhand, rain is great for following indoor tasks and activities:
- snuggling inside with cosy blanket, great book (do read "Box 21" by Roslund & Hellström) and maybe someone cuddly, hehe...
- enjoying P3 Streets fab selection of old school tunes and newer beats
- drinking loads of tea with loads of ginger in hope of getting rid of stupid cold a.s.a.p
- getting around in Juicy Couture tracksuit and sheepskin slippers with hair in messy ponytail and no make up
- working - cleaning up the stuff that I couldn´t finish last week because of communication breakdown

By the way - remember what I wrote about Zlatan the other day? Well, while watching Sweden beat Malta at Ullevi yesterday (not live of course, there are limits!) it was sooo clear who ruled. And why so many people were there. He might not have assisted all the goals, but it doesn´t matter cause the guy has won the Scudetto and is the most successful player du jour from icy Scandinavia. Besides, I just loooooove it when he is in picture chewing gum with his couldn´t-care-less-attitude. The guy´s a genius.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Communication breakdown

I´m sooo pissed at my Internet provider. This would be the second time in less than a month that there are problems with the Internet connection.
I wonder if they realize how totally isolated you are without e-mail? Besides, if it´s totally necessary for work - whattef are you supposed to do without?! Send a pidgeon with the documents?!
Am really, really pissed.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Woork, ooh, work, work, work harder!

No clubbing this evening. Stupid cold won´t give up and have to work since I´ve done a million things that took far more time to do than estimated. Ah, whatever, I´ve fab brazilian coffee, Azúcar Moreno and Mariah Carey´s The Emancipation of Mimi - totally fab! - in the player and spoke to grandmother a while ago. Can´t complain.

Dolce Vita - Anita (Ekberg) is going to be a Sommarpratare!

Now how cool isn´t that?! I have this thing for the style of old school glamour stars; Elizabeth Taylor (more then than now), Audrey Hepburn, Gina Lollobrigida, Brigitte Bardot and the totally fabulous Sophia Loren! I will definitely listen to Anita Ekbergs Sommarprogram and take notes about how to look even more fab at the Mediterranean.

While having the mornings first enjoyable cup of marvellous brazilian coffee, I read the blog of this really fun sports journalist. Of course he writes a lot about Zlatan. I like that.

Tonight I´ll probably shake my booty at this fab soul/hiphop club if I´m not too tired, this stupid cold I´ve had won´t give up. And I have this deadline tomorrow. Ah well, I´d better work!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Business and shoppingpleasure

Thank God for Brazilian coffee! Can´t get out of bed without it. Am seriously addicted.

Yesterday was bliss, in spite of the pouring rain. Met one of my oldest homegirls, M.E - FYI: not old in age, but who have known me since we were kids - and went for fika and shopping in SoFo. (I know, kind of nerdy but cute to call it SoFo. Only in wannabee-a-bigger-badder-and-cooler-city-Stockholm)

Anyhow, I just had to get into this small shop with the cutest guy. Found a to die for t-shirt from Walé Adeyemi. In size 10. Bummer. Tried it on and it looked ok. Bought it of course, how could I not, I mean, I AM a hiphop kiddo!!!

Sunshine today but clouds coming in. I actually couldn´t care less cause I have a fab tee and an even more fab businessplan with homegirl M.E
Watch out world, here we come!